Columbia Southern University is an online college situated in Orange Beach, Alabama, that endeavors to change and improve survives advanced education by empowering understudies to amplify their expert and individual potential.
CSU offers online degree programs at the partner, lone ranger, ace, doctorate or authentication levels in a huge number of territories, for example, word related security and wellbeing, fire organization, criminal equity, business organization, human asset the executives, social insurance organization and the sky is the limit from there.
CSU entryways gives understudy focused help benefits that are close to home, responsive and intended for helping understudies in accomplishing their instructive objectives. Mindful, profoundly prepared personnel and staff make creative instructive projects that fuse the most recent instructional innovation with testing educational plans. CSU centers around moderate, quality online guidance with general training center that advances deep rooted learning and achievement.
MyCSU Login :
To login into mycsu, visit the homepage
Once the page displays, at the center left provide the required details,
- Username
- Password
- Click on, ‘Login’ button.
On this page you can even refer a friend, tap on, ‘Refer a friend’ from center right. In the next screen, provide the required details,
- First name:
- Last name:
- Email:
Referral Information
- First name:
- Last name:
- Email:
- Now, Tap on, ‘Save and add’ button.
How to Reset MyCSU Login Credentials:
To reset, visit the homepage
Under the login spaces, click on,
For username, ‘Forgot your username?’. Provide the details,
- Email ID
- Now, Tap on, ‘Submit’ button.
For password, hit on, ‘Forgot your password?’, Provide the details,
- Username
- Now, Tap on, ‘Submit’ button.
To get further help call on, (877) 399-1063. Or email to,
Columbia Southern University Login Portals
Once the page opens
You will get 4 login options in here,
- Student
- Applicant
- Blackboard
- CSU library
For students login, tap on, ‘Login’.
- Username
- Password
- Click on, ‘Login’ button.
Follow the password setting of mycsu login.
For applicant, tap on, ‘Login’. Provide details,
- Username
- Password
- Click on, ‘Login’ button.
Follow the password setting of mycsu login.
For Blackboard follow the same details.
For library,
- You have to input the keywords
- Click on, ‘Search’.
Get library assistance by calling on, 1.877.268.8046. Or send an email,
MyCSU homepage password help
To get this visit
Once the page appears, at the center, tap on, ‘I forgot my CSU ID’. Provide the required details in the next screen,
- Enter your LAST NAME :
- Enter the last 4 numbers of your SSN :
- 5 number from CSU
- Now tap on, ‘Click here to retrieve CSU ID’.
For PIN click on, ‘I forgot my PIN’.
- CSU ID’ number
- Now, Click on, ‘Submit’ button.
Campusnet login of CSU
This is Celeveland state university myCSU, to login open the page
After the page opens, click on, ‘Campusnet login’. Provide the information required,
- Login ID
- Password
- Tap on, ‘Login’ button.
For guest login click on, ‘Campusnet guest login’. Provide the information required,
- Check the session
- Course level
- Location
- Feature
- Subject
- Tap on, ‘Search’ button.
How to get Campusnet login help
To get it visit the page or campusnet login help, tap on, ‘Don’t know your login ID?’. Your login ID is 7 number CSU ID.
For password, click on, ‘Don’t know your password?’ Provide the details,
- Login ID
- Now, Hit on, ‘Continue’ button.
One CSU login of Columbus State university
To login visit the site
At the center provide details,
- ONECSU Username
- ONECSU Password
- Now, Tap on, ‘Sign in’ button.
How to reset One CSU login credentials
To reset visit the page
- For login first select the tab. You will get to know about mycsu.
For username, click on, ‘Forgot your OneCSU username?’. Provide the required information,
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- Last 4 digits of your SSN:
- Now, Hit on, ‘Get ID’ button.
For password tap on, ‘Forgot your OneCSU password?’ Provide the required information,
- CSU ID number or OneCSU username
- Hit on, ‘Next’ button.
For more help call on, 706-507-8199. 706-507-8800. Or send an email to,
Colorado state university Google login
To get this visit
At the center tap on, ‘Sign in with Google’. In the next screen,
You have to go through the Google account login procedure.
“Read More: Sanjac – Login To San JAC Blackboard Account
Columbia Southern University Support:
To get support help call on, 800.977.8449. Also, check out these pages,